The Mind Manual
These sessions are an attempt to bring you some insights and perspectives in how we can use the mind and put it to work in a way that will serve you and create the results you want in your life. It will be an unfolding learning journey as we explore this amazing central processing unit to collate and compile a series of systems and perceptions we can use and organize into a mind manual for the benefit of everyone.
The Mind Manual
Episode 21 - What is self confidence and how to get more of it
Melinda King
Let's talk about what self confidence is, & how to get more of it.
When we look at the model used in cognitive behavioural therapy and try to insert where self-confidence might fit into it, we could interpret it in a few ways. It could be a fact or circumstance that you are self confident. It could also sit in the result line, where you bring about the outcome or result of being self confident. The interpretation I want to focus on today is in classifying it as a feeling, and we’ll even refer to it as such. We say we feel confident or we don't feel confident. So if self-confidence is a feeling that we have about ourselves, we need to question 'Where does that feeling come from?
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